Step 1 – Résumé

This is the first step in the interview process. They will decide if they want to meet you or not based on this one document. So it’s worth spending time and effort on this. Let’s look at some important points to bear in mind:
- Select an elegant template for your resume.
- Start with a summary of your profile so that the person going through your resume can get a quick look at what you have to offer.
- Next, list your work experience – latest experience first.
- Next, list your educational qualifications – latest qualification first.
- Add your additional certifications.
- Add your hobbies (this is a great conversation starter)
Step 2 – Appearance

You appearance is very important as it will give the interviewer an impression of you, before you even get an opportunity to speak.
- You will feel a lot more confident if you are well groomed.
- Dress up appropriately for the interview.
- In most cases formal clothing is preferred.
- If you can, then wear a third layer like a blazer. It adds a lot to your personality.
- Make sure your nails are clipped and hair well groomed.
- Use deodorant and wear a light perfume.
Video Call Interviews
- Dress up in the same way as you would for an ‘in person’ interview.
- Make sure the computer/phone is charged and in good condition.
- Make sure you have a good Internet connection.
- Choose a place that is brightly lit, noise and distraction free for the interview.
Step 3 – Personality

Your personality is your most important asset.
Here are a few points to keep in mind about projecting a good personality:
- Make sure you walk confidently with your head up (don’t look down while walking it makes you look inconfident).
- Make eye contact with the people that you are speaking with (this is a sign of sincerity).
- Smile when you meet the interviewer and greet them (this is a sign of cheerfulness).
- Walk and take a seat gracefully. Don’t rush.
- When the interviewer asks a question, stop everything else and listen intently to what they are asking.
- You do not have to rush into answering them. Think about the question, think about how you are going to answer them, take a deep breath and answer. It is a misconception that the you have to answer questions immediately to show your confidence or mastery over the subject. The interviewer will actually appreciate you taking the time to think and answer rather than give a canned response.